We make proximity
fit for the future
As the inventor of the interactive video service desk, we are the pioneers of efficient personal customer service on site and your partner with the longest experience on the market.

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vidone: Digital solutions for more efficiency in personal customer service.
Double your service quality and halve your costs.
We are a holistic partner for you and offer everything from a single source as a general contractor with our partners.
Booths, terminals or e-mailboxes, software and hardware, employee training and project management, marketing and location planning.
You don’t buy equipment from us, but receive customized individual solutions for more efficiency in personal customer service.
We accompany the entire process of digitizing your personal customer service, from strategic planning to technical implementation and employee training.
Our goal is not the technically feasible – but the highest customer acceptance!
vidone - key facts
Stores with INES / VR-SISy
Video service booths
EMIL e-letterboxes
in operation
With our systems at
around 30 banks and savings banks

INES: stands for "INteractiv Electronic System" and is your digital video service counter in branches or locations with high customer frequency.
INES Video Service is suitable for all companies that want to offer cost-effective on-site service and advice to customers or employees.
INES ensures enormous customer satisfaction and you remain available for longer with personal on-site service while halving costs.
INES video service. A new digital solution for personal presence on site.
No technology, but personal discussions with a person with a face.
Show each other documents, work together on contracts and sign them at the end.
Contactless connection setup and a high level of discretion.
Include other partners as added value for your customers and become a “digital regional supplier”.
And all from your smartphone or home PC.

INES - THE digital solution.

EMIL: Stands for "Electronic Multi Intelligent Letterbox" - efficiency through digitalization of incoming mail with our e-letterbox.
EMIL replaces both conventional mailboxes and transfer drop boxes or GiroScanBoxes in your bank or savings bank branch.
In addition, you can use EMIL to immediately transfer the acceptance of checks – which was previously only possible manually – to self-service.
Furthermore, you can use EMIL as an internal scanner for digitizing and transmitting any format from branches to central processing units.
The EMIL e-Mailbox is suitable for all companies that want to receive mail or documents from customers or employees on site without having to pay expensive courier and logistics costs.
Simply receive customer mail digitally.
EMIL is self-explanatory and self-explanatory.
The EMIL e-letterbox talks to your customers and patiently ensures that they can leave their mail securely.
Interactively and without any support from employees.
You simply receive your customer mail digitally.

EMIL - Easy to install.
Easy to handle.
MAXI ServicePoints:
New and unique idea.
The smallest and most efficient customer service office for personal customer service and advice at attractive locations.
MAXimum service quality – MAXimum variety – MAXimum flexibility – MAXimum efficiency.
Are you an online service provider or a direct bank and want to offer your customers personal customer service on site – but don’t want to invest high costs for space, branches or infrastructure?
Then simply use our MAXI ServicePoints at attractive locations in future.
Shared use (multi-user) keeps costs low and your customer service high.
The launch will take place on June 1, 2023 in Vienna at Praterstern station.
There you will find our MAXI ServiceBox in the RIA MoneyService store.
But there is much more – the location has been expanded into the first cleverpoint in Austria – info.money.service.
Join now and experience the future
of efficient customer service.
A call/contact with us will always get you further. Talk to us.
What our customers say
With vidone, we were with our customers in just 4 months with the video service. We were also able to benefit from vidone’s experience in mobilizing the service teams.
Dr. Florian Kaserer – Director
We have completely digitized the inbox in our company.
All 38 branches are equipped with the e-letterbox and have been running absolutely reliably for over 2 years.
This has enabled us to reduce our logistics costs by over 80%.
Christoph Ochs – Chairman of the Executive Board
VR Bank Südpfalz eG
VR Bank Südpfalz eG
Raiffeisenbank Voreifel eE
Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG
Raiffeisenbank Voreifel eE
Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG
Savings Bank Leipzig
Savings Bank Leipzig
Mit vidone waren wir in nur 4 Monaten mit dem Video-Service bei unseren Kunden. Ebenso haben wir bei der Mobilisierung der Service-Teams von der Erfahrung von vidone profitieren können.
Dr. Florian Kaserer - Direktor
Raiffeisenkasse Lana
With vidone, we were able to provide video service to our customers in just 4 months. We were also able to benefit from vidone's experience in mobilizing the service teams.
Dr. Florian Kaserer - Director
Raiffeisenkasse Lana
Dzięki vidone byliśmy w stanie zapewnić naszym klientom usługi wideo w ciągu zaledwie 4 miesięcy. Mogliśmy również skorzystać z doświadczenia vidone w mobilizacji zespołów serwisowych.
Dr Florian Kaserer - dyrektor
Raiffeisenkasse Lana
Nach einem intensiven Auswahlprozess haben wir uns für die Firma vidone mit dem System INES Video-Service als Partner für die Einführung in unseren Pilotfilialen entschieden. Die Erfahrung und Kompetenz von vidone hat uns überzeugt und begeistert. Auch im praktischen Einsatz hat sich die Lösung bewährt. Unsere Kunden bestätigen dies mit einer hohen Zufriedenheit. Wir können die innovativen Lösungen von vidone und das Unternehmen mit seinen Partnern als verlässlichen Anbieter jederzeit weiterempfehlen.
Ricardo Götz - Leiter Innovation & Digitalisierung
Sparkasse Leipzig
Po intensywnym procesie selekcji zdecydowaliśmy się na vidone z systemem INES Video Service jako naszego partnera do wprowadzenia w naszych oddziałach pilotażowych. Byliśmy pod wrażeniem doświadczenia i wiedzy vidone. Rozwiązanie sprawdziło się również w praktyce. Nasi klienci potwierdzają to wysokim poziomem zadowolenia. W każdej chwili możemy polecić innowacyjne rozwiązania vidone oraz firmę i jej partnerów jako niezawodnego dostawcę.
Ricardo Götz - dyrektor ds. innowacji i cyfryzacji
Kasa Oszczędności w Lipsku
After an intensive selection process, we chose vidone with the INES Video Service system as our partner for the introduction in our pilot branches. We were impressed by vidone's experience and expertise. The solution has also proven itself in practical use. Our customers confirm this with a high level of satisfaction. We can recommend vidone's innovative solutions and the company and its partners as a reliable provider at any time.
Ricardo Götz - Head of Innovation & Digitalization
Savings Bank Leipzig
Wir haben in unserem Haus den Posteingang vollständig digitalisiert. Alle 38 Filialen sind mit dem e-Briefkasten ausgestattet und laufen seit über 2 Jahren absolut zuverlässig. Wir konnten damit unsere Logistikkosten um über 80% reduzieren.
Christoph Ochs - Vorstandsvorsitzender
VR Bank Südpfalz eG
Całkowicie zdigitalizowaliśmy skrzynkę odbiorczą w naszej firmie. Wszystkie 38 oddziałów jest wyposażonych w elektroniczną skrzynkę pocztową i działa ona absolutnie niezawodnie od ponad 2 lat. Pozwoliło nam to obniżyć koszty logistyki o ponad 80%.
Christoph Ochs - przewodniczący zarządu
VR Bank Südpfalz eG
We have completely digitized the inbox in our company. All 38 branches are equipped with the e-letterbox and have been running absolutely reliably for over 2 years. This has enabled us to reduce our logistics costs by over 80%.
Christoph Ochs - Chairman of the Executive Board
VR Bank Südpfalz eG
Wir haben uns für den e-Briefkasten mit dem neutralen ScanClient entschieden. Unsere Dienstleister holen bzw. übernehmen die Dokumente von EMIL automatisiert und so können wir unsere bewährten Anwendungen beibehalten. Wir haben vorerst 3 Filialen damit ausgestattet und planen den Einsatz weiterer Geräte.
Christian Schumacher - Projektmanager
Raiffeisenbank Voreifel eG
Zdecydowaliśmy się na e-skrzynkę pocztową z neutralnym ScanClient. Nasi dostawcy usług automatycznie odbierają lub przejmują dokumenty od EMIL, dzięki czemu możemy zachować nasze wypróbowane i przetestowane aplikacje. Początkowo wyposażyliśmy w nią 3 oddziały i planujemy wykorzystanie kolejnych urządzeń.
Christian Schumacher - kierownik projektu
Raiffeisenbank Voreifel eG
We have opted for the e-letterbox with the neutral ScanClient. Our service providers automatically collect or take over the documents from EMIL and so we can retain our tried and tested applications. We have initially equipped 3 branches with it and are planning to use further devices.
Christian Schumacher - Project Manager
Raiffeisenbank Voreifel eG
Die vidone GmbH können wir als kompetenten und zuverlässigen Partner für innovative Lösungen sehr empfehlen. Die Ausstattung unserer 18 Filialen mit dem EMIL e-Briefkasten lief nahezu reibungslos. Bei Fragen hatten wir stets einen Ansprechpartner zur Seite. Wir sind sehr zufrieden.
Evelyn König - Bereichsleiterin Privatkundenvertrieb
Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG
Możemy gorąco polecić vidone GmbH jako kompetentnego i niezawodnego partnera w zakresie innowacyjnych rozwiązań. Wyposażenie naszych 18 oddziałów w skrzynkę e-mail EMIL przebiegło niemal bezproblemowo. W razie jakichkolwiek pytań zawsze mieliśmy do dyspozycji osobę kontaktową. Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni.
Evelyn König - kierownik działu sprzedaży dla klientów indywidualnych
Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG
We can highly recommend vidone GmbH as a competent and reliable partner for innovative solutions. Equipping our 18 branches with the EMIL e-letterbox went almost without a hitch. We always had a contact person at our side if we had any questions. We are very satisfied.
Evelyn König - Head of Private Client Sales
Vereinigte Volksbank Raiffeisenbank eG